“Sports & Games: education for life” is a project for the Mbwana Primary School in Kenya. This school is located in the Learn! Foundation in Kilifi region and has about 800 students.
The construction of phase 1 of the school, ie 6 new classrooms, was completed in October. Some of the children of this school can now sit at real tables in a classroom made of stone. Fantastic result. But what the school is also very much would like, is a playground for the students. Life is pretty hard there. Little food, insufficient teaching materials, not to mention money for playing materials! There is nothing at this school now. We bring some footballs (which they are very happy with) but a playground? They can only dream of that.
And so what we want to do together with the Vastenactie Eigen Doel of the Christoffel parish is to offer these children - who are all from very poor backgrounds - a real playground. With swings and seesaws. So that these children can also play and can be a child. There will also be attention for sports & games in the form of lessons through our local department of the Learn! Foundation.
We hope you will give generously, because the more money is collected, the more playground equipment we can offer to this school.
Thank you very much! Or as they say in Kenya: “Asante sana!”
You can donate on NL 21 INGB 000 000 5850 of Vastenactie description: code 402163